The perfect, easy but delicious bake...chocolate cornflake buns!
In a saucepan or microwaveable bowl add in the butter, chocolate, and golden syrup.
Add this to a low heat in the saucepan or place in the microwave for short intervals to melt.
Allow the mixture to cool slightly and then add in the cornflakes.
Stir the mixture together and then spoon into cupcake cases.
Put in the fridge to set for a few hours or overnight.
In a saucepan or microwaveable bowl add in the butter, chocolate, and golden syrup.
Add this to a low heat in the saucepan or place in the microwave for short intervals to melt.
Allow the mixture to cool slightly and then add in the cornflakes.
Stir the mixture together and then spoon into cupcake cases.
Put in the fridge to set for a few hours or overnight.